(teamID)-(lang)-(task)-(run num) system: system description (about 30 words) questionnaire: 1. what approach your system can be categorized into? * hand-coded rules * statistical (e.g. machine learning) * hybrid * other (free description) 2. fundamental approach of your system (you can choose more than one) * overlap * alignment * first-order, higher-order logic * transformation * other (free description) 3. what kind of information does your system use? (you can choose more than one) * character, word overlap * syntactic structure * predicate-argument structure * named entity information * relation between entities * relation between events * temporal information * numerical information * other (free description) 4. what kind of resources does your system use? (you can choose more than one) * synonym, antonym * hypernym, hyponym * meronym, holonym * paraphrase/entailment rules * relations between events (e.g. cause-effect) * other (free description) 5. please enumerate the linguistic analyzers and the resources your system used * e.g. Japanese WordNet, Wikipedia, Google, etc... * (free description) 6. is there any manual intervention in making the results of the formal run? * yes * (if yes) please describe the detail of the manual intervention * no 7. what information provided by the organizers does your system use? (JA only) * unidic morph * unidic syntactic * knp morph * knp syntactic * knp predicate-argument-structures * TSUBAKI search results * none * other (free description)